Day 14--The Final Leg--Home!
Hope and Grace
Monday, April 25, we leave Los Olivos at 9:20, and pull into our driveway at 11:45 AM. Eddie’s West Coast Birthday Road Trip has lasted for 14 days, 2,363 miles!
"Are we still friends?” I say to Ed as we drive south on PCH into Malibu.
“Definitely,” he says.
“Did you like your Birthday Road Trip?”
“Yes. It’s something I always dreamed of doing. I get to check it off the list.”
At home, I take out the bottle of wine he bought us last night in Los Olivos. He says he was attracted to it because it’s the same vintner that produced the terrific wine he was enjoying at dinner. On the other hand, I take it personally. The label says Hope and Grace. A lovely way to return Home.