Jo Giese Jo Giese


Last night was a full moon, and so this afternoon was one of those rare extreme low tides.  A -0.5 tide.  It's an invitation beckoning one to take a beach-walk. 

Once I stepped foot on the windy beach, everyone I encountered was happy--happy to be walking on the soft damp sand, way out into the Pacific, happy to be saying hello to our neighbors.  

Lynn, my sister-in-law, suggested it was perfect conditions to find treasures.  Often on this beach I find beautiful stones--a solid stone with an uninterupted band of white encircling it.  A stone a friend has named Lucky Stone because you can make a wish on it and the wish will come true. 

 There were no found treasures today but treasures of another sort found me.   Anne Morrow Lindbergh in Gift From The Sea writes: The beach is not the place to work; to read, write or think.  I couldn't agree more.   It is a place to breathe in the kelpy sea air, to marvel at the pelicans flying in perfect formation overhead, to get lazy along with the rolling of the waves.  I end up glowing.

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