Summer Begins!

Summer in Montana includes fly-fishing.

This morning we left Ruby Springs and put in at Hell's Canyon on the Jefferson River near Twin Bridges. Our guide, Jason Carrico, said I was only allowed to reveal this super fishing location because no one who reads my blog is a fisherman. Shhhh...We saw only one other boat on the river the entire day. A huge contrast to the crowds we usually encounter on the Yellowstone.

Ed fishes--the photo captures his first catch of the morning--a 17" brown trout. Catch and release. And I float. While Ed was fishing I was enjoying a sunny, idyllic day on the river, the Tobacco Roots Mountain in the background with a dusting of snow still in their saddles. I was floating and reading Strangers Drowning about do-guidera. A fantastic, interesting book that has nothing to do with Montana and fishing.

We are on a fishing adventure with our Warren family of 12. But the only other family sharing our river were Chuck, 14, and Finn, 12.



Hiking Tobacco Root Mountain--Montana


Saturday Farmer's Market